Design implement and analyse LMIS in Sierra Leone

Origin of Funding: British Council | Start date-End date: April 2021- November 2021 In Sierra Leone, similar to many developing nations, career guidance and workforce development were major challenges. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security lacked a central system for labor market information. Crucial data relied on infrequent surveys, making it difficult to understand […]

Rapid Assessment of The Office of the Ombudsman’s Vocational Skill Enhancement Project for Youth in Thailand

Office of the Ombudsman’s Vocational Skill Enhancement Project (VSEP) in 2020. This initiative aims to equip out-of-school youth with the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce. VSEP offers flexible training courses in various fields like agriculture, construction, and hospitality, along with soft skills development to prepare participants for the workplace. To assess the […]

Tvet Policy And Systems Reform

Economic growth and improvements in competitive advantages enables countries to rise in development and reduce poverty. Employers require a sufficient supply of skilled labour at the correct moment to fulfil these aims. Often, vocational education and training systems cannot meet employer quality or quantity needs. Flexible skills development systems that satisfy employer needs and attract […]

Job Creation

Job creation is vital to fighting poverty and boosting economic prosperity, especially for youth and disadvantaged groups. Governments must decide how to combat rising unemployment and promote gainful employment. Job creation is supported by macroeconomic policy, targeted sector strategies and localized active labour market interventions CEI has been at the forefront of advising governments and […]

Human Capital Formation

CEI helps countries establish alternate strategies for human capital formation, trying to relate a country’s education and training system to its growth priorities.   Each country needs a unique approach, but common principles include effective linkage between education and training system parts, strong links between industrial and employment policies, identifying future social and economic development needs, […]

Tvet and Skills Development

Over the past 10 years, the developing world has experienced a growth in the provision of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and skills programs. In part, this growth is due to increased investments in skills development and TVET by governments and donors who view it as a solution for the many complex socio-economic […]


Successful education or workforce development reforms use evidence-based initiatives. Qualitative research helps planners build new programs and make better skills development resource allocation decisions. Evaluative research can help us analyse the effects of a policy or program.CEI staff are professionally trained in a variety of theoretical techniques and can apply them to real circumstances to […]

Labour Market Analytics and Intelligence Systems

At the heart of debates on labour market analytics is the role of Artificial intelligence and the use of big data sets. CEI has worked with governments and donors in a number of countries to support the management of large data sets and move towards using AI as means of understanding and predicting trends in […]