Design And Strategic Planning

CEI staff have extensive experience in designing and developing small and large-scale projects for international agencies and governments. This work has included community-based projects using participatory techniques to $400 million education programs including early childhood, primary and secondary education. In addition, CEI staff have worked within governments and supported the development of multi-year strategic plans […]


Evidence based policies are at the heart of a successful reform for education or workforce development. Different types of research methods can be used for different purposes. Qualitative research can play an important role in developing new programs and helping planners to make more informed decisions about how to invest resources for skills development. Evaluative […]

Capacity Development

Capacity development can take many forms, ranging from building of institutional structures of government ministries, the development of knowledge systems, to the actual capacity building of those working in skills development systems, including those involved in planning, managing and delivery. Much of the work on capacity building has focused on the individual. Recently, in the […]